AI工具制作做动漫励志Youtube Shorts


I’m creating a 30-second animation about self-improvement and need motivational quotes based on Stoic principles for the voiceover. The quotes should use modern, simple language and avoid hyperbole. Please incorporate an analogy in each quote. Each quote should be at least 6 sentences long.

Here is an example of a quote that I like:

“Focus on what you can control, not on what you cannot. True happiness is found in accepting the present moment as it is. The tranquility of mind comes when you align your thoughts with virtue. External events have no power over your inner peace unless you allow them. Instead of blaming others, examine your own actions and reactions. Peace of mind lies in understanding that it’s not the external events but your interpretation of them that causes suffering.”

Please provide 5 options.


I have a quote that I want to turn into a 30-second animated video using Pika Lab. Generate me at least 10 scenes that include human characters based on the below quote. Each scene needs to be visually captivating and transitions should be smooth to maintain viewer engagement and ensure they align with the message of the quote.

Here is the quote: (加入你的文案)

🤖【CHAGPT提示词#3】 Now Please generate a prompt that works well on Pika Lab for each of the 10 scenes. ensuring they align with the message of the quote.

🤖【PIKA LAB参数设置】 16:9 FPS(Frame to second): 12 Motion: 4 Negative prompt:Ugly , distortion, deformation, blur, low quality, bad, terrible

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